Digging Deeper into Day 72 – A Win-Win!
When you mess up, gather the goody at the bottom. In other words, when you find that you have fallen, or you have messed up, reframe it (look at it differently) as an opportunity for growth. The goody is finding a new perspective, a new perspective on yourself, the situation, and on God and/or God’s plan for your life.
Using the example of physically falling down (on carpet), while you are down there, you see that the blue carpet actually has threads of green, gray, and taupe. You may even see there is a tear in the carpet that needs to be repaired, or find a piece of lost jewelry. Falling down gives us an opportunity to learn something new, to gain a different perspective.
Also realize that when you fall down, you are typically a step or two ahead of where you actually tripped. Physically, you stand up in a different place than where you fell down. Apply that principle mentally and emotionally. You stand up with new knowledge and greater understanding, IF you gather the goody at the bottom.
There is no failure with God. Allow Him to stretch and grow you through it all.
Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ; (Ephesians 5:20 KJV)
In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. (1 Thessalonians 5:18 KJV)
Nothing is lost when we find God in the midst!
Today’s Challenge:
The next time you feel like you have messed up, step outside yourself, look at the situation and search for the good things that you can learn. One way to help you to do that is to ask yourself if your best friend had “messed up” like this, what are some challenges you would ask them to explore about themselves, in their relationships with others, and in their relationship with the Lord? What are some encouraging words you would tell them?
Today’s Prayer:
Dear Lord, Your word tells me to give thanks in all things and for all things. I know I can only do that with Your help. Please help me to see the good that I can gain in my relationship with You and with others through mess-ups or difficult situations. Help me to use the goody I gain from it to glorify You. In Jesus’ name, AMEN.
Digging deeper blogs augment lessons from My Leadership Compass: A Christ-Centered High School Curriculum. © 2021