Digging Deeper into Day 2 – Why Leadership?

Chain of Command
The visual of a chain, a series of connected links, is a simplistic way to describe the order of authority, or the chain of command. There is an order in the chain, link one, then links two and three, respectively, and so on. Link one is connected, or goes to, or is supported by, link three through link two.  Such is the case in the Chain of Command. The hierarchy of authority in the government, the military, a business, an organization, a church, a family, and a school are well-known examples of where a Chain of Command is found. Just for an example, the store clerk (link three), when following the proper chain of command seeks direction from management (link one) through their department head (link two).

There are many benefits of having the structure, or boundaries, of a good chain of command.  Having a good chain of command promotes clear and effective communication, identifies the lines of responsibility, encourages specialization and thus expertise, and provides a path of accountability as well as advancement.  However, at times, these “benefits” may be viewed as disadvantages.  One example might be the actual time involved in taking the needed steps of the chain of command.

Taking a Stand
Taking a stand, at times, is easier said than done.  When a person is faced with a decision that would go against personal beliefs, morals, or values, taking a stand needs to be a decision of personal conviction. This is true across all areas of life – relationally, professionally, financially, educationally, academically, etc.   Perhaps there is an occasion when taking a stand must be exercised even in spite of the chain of command.  It may impact relationships, even dissolve them, or affect employment opportunities.  In such instances, it is the person’s integrity that will stand.  Taking a stand happens when faced with those decisions which define you.  Taking a stand may be standing alongside others or standing alone, against all others.

Whether following the chain of command or taking a stand, a true leader will take the path supported by God’s Word.

And He gave some as apostles, some as prophets, some as evangelists, some as pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the building up of the body of Christ; until we all attain to the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a mature man, to the measure of the stature which belongs to the fullness of Christ. (Ephesians 4:11-13 NASB)

In Daniel 1:8-13, Daniel made up his mind to obey the Lord. He worked through the chain of command that God had placed him under to seek approval. God blessed him.  God will always bless obedience!

Today’s challenge:
Utilize the chain(s) of command you are a part of as a hands-on practical experience in which you can lead yourself into being more of the person God created you to be.

Identifying the various chains of command in your life (family, church, work, on a team, etc.) will help you more fully appreciate the benefits that the chain of command structure provides.

Make a conscious decision to daily ask God to help you stand firm, and that your life would impact others for Him.

Today’s prayer:
Dear Lord, we ask that you strengthen us to honor the chains of command that we live and work within.  Help us to be an example of integrity within the hierarchy of authority, knowing that You, Lord God are our ultimate authority.  If ever we are faced with a decision that would please men, but grieve You, give us the strength to stand true to You, and the Christian values, and morals reflected in Your word.  In the Name of Jesus, our Savior, Amen.

Digging deeper blogs augment lessons from My Leadership Compass: A Christ-Centered High School Curriculum. © 2021